Types of conversations (not in a hierarchical way):
– about the weather or something obvious, things we both most likely would agree on. Filling the time. Let the other person relax into (eventually) a more engaging matter. …or just get a cosy feeling that you are conversing.
– about people or society, things you are hoping the other person would likely agree on. Knowing some of your companion’s core values (intuition) you can express thoughts which the other person feels are right but hasn’t thought it in that way before. Anything within the mind space of his/her core values would sound good (or deserving consideration). Usually, this involves using a particular terminology and stereotypes. You count mostly on herd thinking and sadly the negative notion works much better than affirming one. That is the road to being accepted.
– about the human condition, things you don’t know if the other person would agree on. You would like to keep the conversation interesting for both parties, but your challenges are superficial and the way you are shaping your thoughts is safe. This conversation is like a mountain stream, pleasant, playful, and transparent, you follow the stream but don’t go into the deep.
– about the nature of things, things that will challenge your companion’s view on the world, life, and everything. Go for extreme views about anything, challenge both parties to an equal degree. Do not avoid sensitive subjects, look for them, why are they sensitive? Don’t be mean on purpose, but the other person’s feelings would be your least concern. “Socrates is my friend, but my best friend is the truth” Plato’s kind of approach.
– about …, you talk to the universe and let your companion be a witness. This is not a conversation. This is a monologue and the other person is just there. It’s a verbalized meditation, you become one with the subject of your interest. Be zen in a deconstructive way. Embrace the contradictions, let the koan of your exploration guide you.
PS After more than 7 months in corona isolation, I’m probably eager to have any…
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